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Nicky 0421 633 887

Surprised by the Holy Spirit—There Is More for You Than You Think provides eye-opening and soul-stirring biblical truths illustrated with real-life experiences that reveal the Holy Spirit’s role in every believer’s life.
After His resurrection, Jesus promised His disciples that they would be “baptized with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 1:5). What was Jesus promising the disciples—and you? He promised that the Comforter, the Joygiver, the Advocate, the Encourager, and the Spirit of Truth would infuse you with power to boldly and victoriously live a more abundant life.
Surprised by the Holy Spirit is for everyone who is:
Eager to learn more about the Holy Spirit.
Battling for victory in spiritual warfare.
Curious about speaking in tongues.
Hungry for the benefits of the Spirit baptism.
Skeptical about Holy Spirit manifestations.
The interactive study guide in the back of the book is an empowering, personal or small group tool designed to strengthen your spiritual life and reveal the depth of God’s love for you.
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Surprised by Miracles shares deep biblical truths about miracles and their role in Christian experience and mission work.
Miracles are not only exciting, but essential, as the apostle Paul attests:
…by the power of signs and wonders, through the power of the Spirit.…I have fully proclaimed the gospel of Christ (Romans 15:19).
Jesus was never shy in pointing to the evidence of His miracles, even though miracles made His opponents jealous and fearful of Him, ending in their conspiracy to nail Him to a cross.
Walking on water, healing the sick, changing water into wine, and much more are all possible now. As real-life stories in this book testify, such miracles are often surprising and sometimes confusing. Yet, God mandates miracles to reach people who do not know Him.
Surprised by Miracles is for everyone who:
Desires a greater experience of God.
Hungers to succeed in mission work.
Wonders about the nature, variety, and meaning of miracles.
Wants to learn how to do miracles.
Seeks to understand the role and meaning of suffering.
The included interactive Study Guide is a great resource for personal or small group learning.
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Experiencing God Together is a must-read book for anyone desiring renewal in their own relationship with God and the wider church.
Two things are always on God’s agenda: (1) the need to experience him and (2) to be one with other Christians. The book bears witness to both by sharing from God’s history with his people and digging deep into biblical truths.
Experiencing God Together is for everyone who:
Hungers for faith renewal
Desires a greater experience of God
Wants to understand the connection between faith and experience
Wonders about unity with other Christians
Seeks solid biblical foundations and support from the Christian heritage.
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Sehnst du dich nach mehr vom Heiligen Geist und Seiner Kraft? Wunderst du dich über das Zungengebet?
Lass dieses Buch Schleier von deinen Augen entfernen. Biblische Wahrheiten verbunden mit den ermutigenden Erfahrungen des Autors helfen dir, mehr von der Rolle des Heiligen Geistes im Leben des Gläubigen zu begreifen.
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